Scholarship Information

The Boone County Community Foundation now has thirteen active scholarship funds:

The Big Coal River Scholarship Fund
The Carrie Anne Scott Memorial Scholarship Fund
Charles and Connie Warner Scholarship Fund
The D&T Harless Education Scholarship Fund
The Dora Jo Byrnside Scholarship Fund
Dr. Philip F. Thornton Scholarship Fund
The Evelyn K. Sitler Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Fred E. and Doris Burton Duty Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Haddad Family Scholarship Fund

The Madison Rotary Scholarship Fund that is managed by BCCF
The Michael and Jacalyn Day and Friends – Coal Community Endowment Fund (This scholarship is for both Boone and McDowell Counties)

The Regina S. McCormick Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Tamplin Scholarship Fund 

The 2025/2026 Scholarship Applications for 2025 graduating seniors:

Boone County: 2025-2026 Boone County Scholarship Application

McDowell County:2025-2026 McDowell County Scholarship Application

If you have any questions, please call our office at 304-369-0511 or email to [email protected].